Editorials. Duckie Thot. Yaya Deng. Akual-chels Ring. Deel Ojulu. Laud Magazine. Images by Thom Ke

Editorials. Duckie Thot. Yaya Deng. Akual-chels Ring. Deel Ojulu. Laud Magazine. Images by Thom Ke
"ELLE" Editorials. Duckie Thot. Yaya Deng. Akual-chels Ring. Deel Ojulu. Laud Magazine. by Thom Kerr

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Hypersensitivity To Electromagnetism (phone towers)


Whistle blower! Hypersensitivity to electromagnetism...

Hello my dear my sisters and brothers. It has been a while since I have written on my blog. I must say leaving the USA behind and relocating to East Africa has been such a magic experience, that I have not taken a minute to slow down and write. Overdose of beautiful landscapes, esthetically so pleasing that keeps my eyes ever so active. I left my pen behind to be fully present in the moment. 

Although I have been in a moment of bliss, I have to ring the alarm on a particular issue that I know will sadly arise worldwide. That is why it is necessary for me to leave a paper trail. 

Lately, I have noticed more and more telecommunication antennas being installed all around East Africa, especially in metropolitan area but also in the suburbans and country sides. These Tall, ugly, metallic towers destroying the beauty and serenity of the environment. This sight feels so out of place! I remember seeing them in America... I could hear people whispering about these 5G towers and how destructive they were. 

At first I was not too concerned, until the day I got sick contracting the C.virus in New York. I remember my head  felt as if it would explode anytime the wifi in my house was on. I could not bear my phone near my ears any longer. I slowly became “a put the speaker on” type of girl.

In the beginning I thought it was maybe the C.virus making me hypersensitive, but when I healed after few weeks, the headaches kept on going. That’s when we decided to leave our city life for a more rural life and never looked back ever since! 

However the problem has now reached Africa and it is becoming again unbearable for me and my family. 

That is the reason why I decided to write today this article. I am not sure how many people will read it but I am hoping that many of you will react if you suffer from the same electromagnetic problem. 

How does it affect the brain? 

I have bought a faraday cloth to alleviate the pain but when I leave my house and walk around the city. I can feel the towers, wifi and phones activities. 

Has anyone been suffering like I do? Please do not hesitate to leave me a comment. 

How do you protect yourself? Did you have to move to the mountains or somewhere far away from urban living? 

A friend told me about a wonderful doctor called Dr Béatrice Milbert specialist in electrohypersensitivity. She relates premature Alzheimer’s cases to this phenomena. It is incredible to see that the same technology that supposedly benefits us, is also destroying us! 

I am afraid for my health but also for our children’s. We are all aware of what the future is holding: Transhumanism and artificial intelligence. 

But what are the side effects of this new world? How is it going to affect us. 

I have ordered from Canada an electromagnetic reader device that I carry constantly in my bag, so wherever I go I am able to see if I am in a safe place. 

What this device does, it alerts you by beeping when you are in a harmful place, if your computer, phone, hair dryer etc... are sending too many bad waves to your body. 

My beloved invest in these devices, it will serve you well on the long run. We don’t know what the future holds.

As for us we decided to live in the country side with barely no internet connection and phone signal. I now sleep so much better.

Please leave me a comment if you have also noticed some changes in your daily lives relating to the over-exposure to radiation.

Official Report says:

EHS is a self-reported condition that hasn't been proven by science. However, some individuals have reported a wide range of non-specific health problems that they attribute to low-level exposure of electromagnetic fields (EMF). The symptoms most commonly reported include fatigue, tiredness, concentration difficulties, dizziness, nausea, heart palpitation, digestive disturbances, tinnitus (ringing of the ear), hair loss, loss of libido and anxiety. 

Please read the story of this person living in the UK, suffering from EMF exposure. 


Speak to you again soon family.

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