Hey guys,
I am back on the blog to share with you my new creative venture.
I am taking a risk because I never been involved in a business like this before. It is the first time and it is truly an unknown territory.
It gives me life to create this new art project that is a little different
than the usual. It is not related to beauty or grooming at all.
Nevertheless it is made to make you feel good in a different way.
As you know I am driven by passion and as my mother would say "the more you love your decisions the less you need others to agree or love them, just remain authentic to your ideas and the rest will follow." Well I hope that you guys, as my faithful readers will support and enjoy it too.
I have been lately spending a lot of time with my friends in the cozy setting of their homes or mine.
At our gatherings we have made it a habit to play games.
So it gave me the idea of creating a game of my own, to entertain my guests.
Playing for the sole purpose to get conversation going at the start of my parties or when people meet for the first time.
However I wanted to appeal to couples as well, for a more intimate setting, who are trying to get closer and discover about each other.
So I created "LE ICEBRKR" for mastering the art of intimately “Breaking the ice”.
For a child, "PLAY" is the way for exploring and learning, developing new skills, and connecting with others. Through "PLAY" children practice talking, singing, writing, reading and developing skills that serve as a foundation for the future.
I think the enemy of the mind is boredom, therefore Human Beings have a tendency to always look for new adventures, new sensation, new stimulation starting at a young age.
"PLAY" allows the thrill to stay alive. A feeling of excitement. It is the vital activity that, children turned into adults, use to learn about and interact with their world to gain the mental, physical and social skills necessary to succeed in their adult lives.”
A good game pushes anyone to engage in conversation, practicing the skills of listening, introspecting, owning opinions and uses our creative minds. "PLAY" develops social skills like taking turns and using eye contact, body language and gestures.
It brings people together and helps us getting to know each other.
I believe that “PLAY” is associated with intense thought activity, adrenaline and rapid intellectual growth.
Moreover, it is easy to carry anywhere you want this 4-inch acrylic "ICE CUBE" with 160 questions.
'So people play and keep on playing at given days anywhere you go".
More than just a friendly question game, "LE ICEBRKR" will help you start a new tradition around friends, family and intimate gatherings. The questions are designed to encourage conversations between everybody. It’s perfect for
places like hotel lobbies, bar tables, cigar lounges or reunions, holiday gatherings, family picnics and any special events with sample questions like:
-Describe the role of a woman and a man in a relationship
-Have you ever been stalked
-Never have I ever...
-Do you have an idea of what your purpose on earth is
-Name your favorite love song, play it or sing it
-What is the most embarrassing thing you have done while intoxicated
-What are your main core values
-Name your biggest pet peeves
-Worse piece of advises you have received
-What are your guilty pleasures
-What do you splurge on
-Have you ever secretly lust on your close friend’s partner
-How do you keep the bedroom time playful
-If you could be anywhere now, where would you be
-Which is better: asking for permission or asking for forgiveness
-What is the hardest lesson you had to learn in life
-Who would you want to have as a famous guest for dinner
-How would you wish to die
-Is there anything you consider absolutely unforgivable
“Play is the highest form of research.” — Albert Einstein
Here is a sneak peek of my classic yet artistic, sleek, chic and minimalist adult game, designed by Thy MissaMoody, soon available online for purchase (25$).

This blog is packed with inspiration. Follow my journey as I am always enthusiastic about discovering new places and new faces. I am an expert in cosmetics and grooming. So discover everything I love and want to share. Here, you’ll learn to enhance your natural beauty, stay healthy and discover new stuffs. Take a look at my recommendations for mind, body and soul. Last but not least some tools and accessories. Let's try to use a more holistic and green approach to Beauty and Life.