Hey guys,
I am back on the blog to share with you my new creative venture.
I am taking a risk because I never been involved in a business like this before. It is the first time and it is truly an unknown territory.
It gives me life to create this new art project that is a little different
than the usual. It is not related to beauty or grooming at all.
Nevertheless it is made to make you feel good in a different way.
As you know I am driven by passion and as my mother would say "the more you love your decisions the less you need others to agree or love them, just remain authentic to your ideas and the rest will follow." Well I hope that you guys, as my faithful readers will support and enjoy it too.
I have been lately spending a lot of time with my friends in the cozy setting of their homes or mine.
At our gatherings we have made it a habit to play games.
So it gave me the idea of creating a game of my own, to entertain my guests.
Playing for the sole purpose to get conversation going at the start of my parties or when people meet for the first time.
However I wanted to appeal to couples as well, for a more intimate setting, who are trying to get closer and discover about each other.
So I created "LE ICEBRKR" for mastering the art of intimately “Breaking the ice”.
For a child, "PLAY" is the way for exploring and learning, developing new skills, and connecting with others. Through "PLAY" children practice talking, singing, writing, reading and developing skills that serve as a foundation for the future.
I think the enemy of the mind is boredom, therefore Human Beings have a tendency to always look for new adventures, new sensation, new stimulation starting at a young age.
"PLAY" allows the thrill to stay alive. A feeling of excitement. It is the vital activity that, children turned into adults, use to learn about and interact with their world to gain the mental, physical and social skills necessary to succeed in their adult lives.”
A good game pushes anyone to engage in conversation, practicing the skills of listening, introspecting, owning opinions and uses our creative minds. "PLAY" develops social skills like taking turns and using eye contact, body language and gestures.
It brings people together and helps us getting to know each other.
I believe that “PLAY” is associated with intense thought activity, adrenaline and rapid intellectual growth.
Moreover, it is easy to carry anywhere you want this 4-inch acrylic "ICE CUBE" with 160 questions.
'So people play and keep on playing at given days anywhere you go".
More than just a friendly question game, "LE ICEBRKR" will help you start a new tradition around friends, family and intimate gatherings. The questions are designed to encourage conversations between everybody. It’s perfect for
places like hotel lobbies, bar tables, cigar lounges or reunions, holiday gatherings, family picnics and any special events with sample questions like:
-Describe the role of a woman and a man in a relationship
-Have you ever been stalked
-Never have I ever...
-Do you have an idea of what your purpose on earth is
-Name your favorite love song, play it or sing it
-What is the most embarrassing thing you have done while intoxicated
-What are your main core values
-Name your biggest pet peeves
-Worse piece of advises you have received
-What are your guilty pleasures
-What do you splurge on
-Have you ever secretly lust on your close friend’s partner
-How do you keep the bedroom time playful
-If you could be anywhere now, where would you be
-Which is better: asking for permission or asking for forgiveness
-What is the hardest lesson you had to learn in life
-Who would you want to have as a famous guest for dinner
-How would you wish to die
-Is there anything you consider absolutely unforgivable
“Play is the highest form of research.” — Albert Einstein
Here is a sneak peek of my classic yet artistic, sleek, chic and minimalist adult game, designed by Thy MissaMoody, soon available online for purchase (25$).

This blog is packed with inspiration. Follow my journey as I am always enthusiastic about discovering new places and new faces. I am an expert in cosmetics and grooming. So discover everything I love and want to share. Here, you’ll learn to enhance your natural beauty, stay healthy and discover new stuffs. Take a look at my recommendations for mind, body and soul. Last but not least some tools and accessories. Let's try to use a more holistic and green approach to Beauty and Life.
Thursday, April 12, 2018
Tuesday, March 13, 2018
All I want for my birthday is a perfect skin with VI peel precision plus
guys I am back on the blog, after my time in Los Angeles for the All
star week end, mainly to speak about beauty... yes it has been a while
since I wrote an article on products that inspire me and will surely
inspire you too. Not long ago I was offered a session at a skincare
specialist. Her name is Alvina Martirosian. Yes she is from Armenia. She
is an international medical skincare specialist.
Her precision and knowledge is extreme. She has over 15 years of experience in the field of facial rejuvenation and wrinkle reduction. You can find Alvina's location in NY and NJ. Make sure you book an appointment in advance, she is very popular!
Call 212-472-8872 or 201-960-9857 "LENOX HILL LASER ESTHETIC"( 210 East 68th st Street, #1F, NY, NY 10065 ).
I felt in good hands as soon as I stepped in her office.
Since I am turning 40 years old in 3 weeks, I wanted to try a procedure called VI peel precision plus.
VI peel is a medium-strength peel that can effectively reach a deeper layer of the skin than superficial peels. When your new skin is reborn after about 7 days, you will see a marked improvement to your skin texture. You will look more radiant and less dull in just one application. But scars, wrinkles or pigmentation problems will require a series of treatment.
Precision Plus is a powerful booster and pad system developed specifically to treat stubborn melasma, pigmentation, and acne scarring. This booster is added to the VI Peel, creating the ultimate treatment choice for more dramatic results.
VI peel gained its popularity when many famous celebrities were reportedly using it. VI peel differentiates itself from other medium peel as a painless peel that is suitable for all skin tones, and requires no preconditioning.
The reason why I chose the VI Precision Peel, which is 25% stronger than the regular VI peel is simply because Alvina looked at my skin and gave me her diagnostic. My main concern was open pores, sun damage and high pigmentation.
Alvina applied eight layers of the VI Precision peel on my face, neck and chest. There wasn’t any pain at all.
Not even a slight tingling. It was unbelievably painless.
She then wiped my face, neck and chest with a post-peel towelette containing retinoic acid and vitamin C et voilà all done!
The smell was totally bearable, nothing to complain about.
Alvina made sure to give me all post peeling instructions from day one to day seven.
Day 1
Mandatory to keep the peel on for 4 hours.
washing off the acid with VI derm cleanser for all skin types with cold water.
Dry the skin softly and wait 10 minutes to use both sides the post peel (lime green color) towelette. Use it on face, neck and chest. Let it dry.
After 15 minutes use on the same exact areas another towelette, both sides (but this time the dark green color one). Let it dry.
30 minutes before bed, put all over the face, neck and chest a very thick layer of the « VI Derm anti-itch cream post peel protectant » with active ingredient 1% hydrocortisone.
The treatment came with a take-home kit containing:
VI peel towelette (2x lime green and 2x dark green)
Post Peel Protectant Hydrocortisone
SPF50 Sun Protection
Day-by-Day instructions
An hour before bedtime, I used the hydrocortisone cream, applied the thick layer over my face, neck and chest.
Tomorrow we will repeat the same step by step....A demain!
I am back to tell you about day 2 and 3:
Day 2
I slept quite well though I remember feeling a little itch on my face during the night. I tolerated the itch well and did not need to use more of any post-peel protectant anti-itch cream 1% hydrocortisone.
By morning, the itch had stopped.
I was able to go about with my day and face the public. At this stage, it was alright to put on makeup on but I didn’t. I made sure to apply the post peel protectant cream and the sun block from day 2 onwards.
But so far no peeling just my skin feeling tight.
At night, there was a little peeling around my nose and mouth.
I proceed doing the same routine as yesterday. I wiped my face vigorously with the post-peel towelettes both sides an hour before bedtime. It was just fine!
I also purchased during the day a healing ointment called Aquafor* for dry, cracked and irritated skin. I applied it all over my face and neck. It felt amazing
Day 3
I woke up with sensitive dry lips, even though they were untouched by VI Precision peel.
I did not know, VI peel can seep or leak to areas where the acid was not applied. So expect peeling in areas that were spared.
Other than my lips, No major changes, I am not a snake yet! No full peeling yet. Just a shiny dry layer over my face, neck and chest. It is the layer that is going to peel anytime soon. I decided to see stay home all day since it is the week end.
Alvina and I spoke on the phone (I was wondering if I could wear makeup on day 4, tomorrow! Since I am supposed to be out and about meeting some people).
So far at 6 pm my forehead is starting peeling, my face is feeling warm, I feel a burning sensation I have applied more Aquafor* and anti-itch 1% hydrocortisone cream. Hopefully I won’t be peeling everywhere.
So I can go out and not be grounded, at least for the next couple of days.
Tonight I will wash my face as usual, like day 1 and 2 but extremely gentle. To avoid
as water softens the skin, skin to roll away, earlier than it should. It can be very painful, extreme stinging when post peel protectant is applied later. So guys my advice, be patient!
Day 4 and 5
I went out to meet friends, I had a hat on, applied my sunscreen all over my face, neck and chest.
Let me tell you it was not a nice sight!
My friends were acting as if it was nothing but truly it was horrible to watch. I scared my own self lol.
When I came back, I washed the makeup off gently, pad my face dry, and got into my bed, I slept pretty widely, tossing and turning. Dreaming about many different things.
Uncomfortable! I kept waking up but did not scratch my face. The level of itch was not too bad.
The morning of day 5, my lips were cracked, i could barely open them, especially the corners. I felt totally restricted. My face is now patchy, dead skin was hanging off multiple parts of my face. I feel dry everywhere. My skin texture is uneven. I think I will not recover by day seven. I look and feel ugly at this point but it is worth it. I can see the areas that have already peeled, my pores and skin look so smooth and clean. I am so tempted to speed up the process but I will not.
Day 6
I am starting looking pretty normal, my forehead and hairline is still hanging to the dead skin but so far so good. My old skin is coming off. My neck and chest are just now peeling. It is apparently the way it goes, always 2 to 3 days later later than the face. I spotted also some pimples but I know that it is the Layers of cream I have been applying since day one that has caused the reaction. However these are little pimples nothing major. It will be gone in no time. My skin right is dehydrated and flaky but i can see that as soon its normal PH level will return. I will be very happy of the result.
I can't wait for day seven to see if my face has completely peeled. Then we can assess the results. I am tempted to go for a microdermabrasion on day nine for more instant glow, since I am supposed to see Alvina who is going to introduce me to her new laser hair removal machine and Sculpture "the new smarter way to sculpt my body, redefine my shape with no surgery, no downtime, just results".
Let's see if it is true! but before that I will give you my final feedback on the results of the VI PEEL PRECISION PLUS.
In a week or two I will let you know if I had a collagen boost, if my pores became smaller and if my skin pigmentation has faded.
So three weeks has gone since my peeling and let me tell you! the caterpillar turned into a butterfly, my skin is glowing. I have added another treatment #lasergenesis for a tighter skin. The result is impeccable. I absolutely recommend it.
Her precision and knowledge is extreme. She has over 15 years of experience in the field of facial rejuvenation and wrinkle reduction. You can find Alvina's location in NY and NJ. Make sure you book an appointment in advance, she is very popular!
Call 212-472-8872 or 201-960-9857 "LENOX HILL LASER ESTHETIC"( 210 East 68th st Street, #1F, NY, NY 10065 ).
I felt in good hands as soon as I stepped in her office.
Since I am turning 40 years old in 3 weeks, I wanted to try a procedure called VI peel precision plus.
VI peel is a medium-strength peel that can effectively reach a deeper layer of the skin than superficial peels. When your new skin is reborn after about 7 days, you will see a marked improvement to your skin texture. You will look more radiant and less dull in just one application. But scars, wrinkles or pigmentation problems will require a series of treatment.
Precision Plus is a powerful booster and pad system developed specifically to treat stubborn melasma, pigmentation, and acne scarring. This booster is added to the VI Peel, creating the ultimate treatment choice for more dramatic results.
VI peel gained its popularity when many famous celebrities were reportedly using it. VI peel differentiates itself from other medium peel as a painless peel that is suitable for all skin tones, and requires no preconditioning.
The reason why I chose the VI Precision Peel, which is 25% stronger than the regular VI peel is simply because Alvina looked at my skin and gave me her diagnostic. My main concern was open pores, sun damage and high pigmentation.
Alvina applied eight layers of the VI Precision peel on my face, neck and chest. There wasn’t any pain at all.
Not even a slight tingling. It was unbelievably painless.
She then wiped my face, neck and chest with a post-peel towelette containing retinoic acid and vitamin C et voilà all done!
The smell was totally bearable, nothing to complain about.
Alvina made sure to give me all post peeling instructions from day one to day seven.
Day 1
Mandatory to keep the peel on for 4 hours.
washing off the acid with VI derm cleanser for all skin types with cold water.
Dry the skin softly and wait 10 minutes to use both sides the post peel (lime green color) towelette. Use it on face, neck and chest. Let it dry.
After 15 minutes use on the same exact areas another towelette, both sides (but this time the dark green color one). Let it dry.
30 minutes before bed, put all over the face, neck and chest a very thick layer of the « VI Derm anti-itch cream post peel protectant » with active ingredient 1% hydrocortisone.
The treatment came with a take-home kit containing:
VI peel towelette (2x lime green and 2x dark green)
Post Peel Protectant Hydrocortisone
SPF50 Sun Protection
Day-by-Day instructions
An hour before bedtime, I used the hydrocortisone cream, applied the thick layer over my face, neck and chest.
Tomorrow we will repeat the same step by step....A demain!
I am back to tell you about day 2 and 3:
Day 2
I slept quite well though I remember feeling a little itch on my face during the night. I tolerated the itch well and did not need to use more of any post-peel protectant anti-itch cream 1% hydrocortisone.
By morning, the itch had stopped.
I was able to go about with my day and face the public. At this stage, it was alright to put on makeup on but I didn’t. I made sure to apply the post peel protectant cream and the sun block from day 2 onwards.
But so far no peeling just my skin feeling tight.
At night, there was a little peeling around my nose and mouth.
I proceed doing the same routine as yesterday. I wiped my face vigorously with the post-peel towelettes both sides an hour before bedtime. It was just fine!
I also purchased during the day a healing ointment called Aquafor* for dry, cracked and irritated skin. I applied it all over my face and neck. It felt amazing
Day 3
I woke up with sensitive dry lips, even though they were untouched by VI Precision peel.
I did not know, VI peel can seep or leak to areas where the acid was not applied. So expect peeling in areas that were spared.
Other than my lips, No major changes, I am not a snake yet! No full peeling yet. Just a shiny dry layer over my face, neck and chest. It is the layer that is going to peel anytime soon. I decided to see stay home all day since it is the week end.
Alvina and I spoke on the phone (I was wondering if I could wear makeup on day 4, tomorrow! Since I am supposed to be out and about meeting some people).
So far at 6 pm my forehead is starting peeling, my face is feeling warm, I feel a burning sensation I have applied more Aquafor* and anti-itch 1% hydrocortisone cream. Hopefully I won’t be peeling everywhere.
So I can go out and not be grounded, at least for the next couple of days.
Tonight I will wash my face as usual, like day 1 and 2 but extremely gentle. To avoid
as water softens the skin, skin to roll away, earlier than it should. It can be very painful, extreme stinging when post peel protectant is applied later. So guys my advice, be patient!
Day 4 and 5
I went out to meet friends, I had a hat on, applied my sunscreen all over my face, neck and chest.
Let me tell you it was not a nice sight!
My friends were acting as if it was nothing but truly it was horrible to watch. I scared my own self lol.
When I came back, I washed the makeup off gently, pad my face dry, and got into my bed, I slept pretty widely, tossing and turning. Dreaming about many different things.
Uncomfortable! I kept waking up but did not scratch my face. The level of itch was not too bad.
The morning of day 5, my lips were cracked, i could barely open them, especially the corners. I felt totally restricted. My face is now patchy, dead skin was hanging off multiple parts of my face. I feel dry everywhere. My skin texture is uneven. I think I will not recover by day seven. I look and feel ugly at this point but it is worth it. I can see the areas that have already peeled, my pores and skin look so smooth and clean. I am so tempted to speed up the process but I will not.
Day 6
I am starting looking pretty normal, my forehead and hairline is still hanging to the dead skin but so far so good. My old skin is coming off. My neck and chest are just now peeling. It is apparently the way it goes, always 2 to 3 days later later than the face. I spotted also some pimples but I know that it is the Layers of cream I have been applying since day one that has caused the reaction. However these are little pimples nothing major. It will be gone in no time. My skin right is dehydrated and flaky but i can see that as soon its normal PH level will return. I will be very happy of the result.
I can't wait for day seven to see if my face has completely peeled. Then we can assess the results. I am tempted to go for a microdermabrasion on day nine for more instant glow, since I am supposed to see Alvina who is going to introduce me to her new laser hair removal machine and Sculpture "the new smarter way to sculpt my body, redefine my shape with no surgery, no downtime, just results".
Let's see if it is true! but before that I will give you my final feedback on the results of the VI PEEL PRECISION PLUS.
In a week or two I will let you know if I had a collagen boost, if my pores became smaller and if my skin pigmentation has faded.
So three weeks has gone since my peeling and let me tell you! the caterpillar turned into a butterfly, my skin is glowing. I have added another treatment #lasergenesis for a tighter skin. The result is impeccable. I absolutely recommend it.
Saturday, February 10, 2018
California Dreams! All-Star Week End 2018
The 2018 NBA all star week end is approaching really quickly, the 16th of February is a date to remember!
Black Panther movie will be out nationwide and the NBA week end will start on the "West Coast".
As you probably have seen my previous posts from last year, we were invited to New Orleans for the that same exact event. It was wonderful to be present. I invited my colleagues to join me, the team of "Afropolitain Magazine" for an unforgettable experience.
For the ones who don’t know what “The National Basketball Association All-Star Game” is, let me break it down for you. It is a basketball exhibition game hosted every February by the NBA. The aim is matching a mix of the league's star players from the Eastern Conference and the Western Conference. Each team consists of 12 players, making it 24 in total. It is a three-day event which goes from Friday to Sunday.
Little history fact: The first All-Star game happened at the Boston Garden on March 2, 1951.
Thanks to my childhood friend “Will M’Biakop” (FYI, we have known each other for over two decades, yes pretty long time! I cherish great minds and hearts) happens to be the NBA's director of the development of global marketing partnerships and corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives across Africa. Will has a special interest in how sports can positively impact communities through business, infrastructure, education and health, while empowering youth and generating revenues for corporations. He has developed creative marketing strategies and activation plans targeting both retail and corporate markets.
Will is such a smart, progressive and ambitious brother to me. I could not be more proud of his achievements.
In 2017, he made sure that we enjoyed this weekend festival by participating to a variety of events, exhibitions, and performances culminating in the NBA All-Star Game held on Sunday night. Most basketball stars were present. No regular season games are held during this period, which is also known as the All-Star break. So you can imagine the euphoria!
This year the same event is happening but this time in Los Angeles, California. Let me tell you this! In one year a lot have happened. I got married, moved to New York, changed my circle of friends and have started a new life.
I am not working anymore for Afropolitain magazine as "Beauty Editor". I am instead a freelance writer. That’s why since I am blogging so much, it would be such a pity to refuse the 2018 invitation.
As a matter of fact, it is worth going every year.
The “All Star” program consists in having everyday day activities to entertain the crowd.
NBA All-Star Celebrity Game: First held in 2003, the game features retired NBA players, WNBA players, actors, musicians, and athletes from sports other than basketball.
Rising Stars Challenge: From 1994 until 1999, the event was called the "Rookie Game," and composed entirely of first-year players. From 2000 through 2011, the game, renamed the "Rookie Challenge", featured a team of first-year players ('Rookies') against a team of second-year players ('Sophomores'). The 2012 game debuted a new name, the "Rising Stars Challenge", and a new format. While the game continued to feature first- and second-year players, the participants were assigned to teams in a "fantasy draft" by two honorary captains (Charles Barkley and Shaquille O'Neal in 2012 and 2013, Grant Hill and Chris Webber in 2014). In 2015, the Rising Stars Challenge format was switched again to a USA vs the World format, which is the current format in use.
G League Dream Factory Friday Night: First held in 2008, the events includes a slam dunk contest, a three-point shootout and a H-O-R-S-E competition. These events were modeled after the NBA All-Star Saturday Night events.
G League All-Star Game: First held in 2007, this game features the best players from the NBA G League. The First winner was the East by a score of 114–100. The G League All-Star game was not held in the same arena as all the other All-Star Saturday activities. Instead, it was held on NBA Jam Session's practice court.
Slam Dunk Contest: This competition showcases the creativity and athletic ability of some of the league's youngest best dunkers. The specific rules of the contest are decided each year, but the competition is always judged subjectively. After each dunk, or attempted dunk, competitors are awarded a mark out of 10 from five judges, giving a possible high score of 50. The usual rules of 'traveling' and double dribbling do not apply.
Three-Point Contest: The league's best three point shooters shoot five basketballs from five different spots around the three-point line. Each shot is worth one point except the last ball of each rack (informally called 'money balls'), which is worth two points. The highest score available in one round is 30 points. The shooters have one minute to shoot the basketballs.
Skills Challenge: Making its debut in 2003, the Skills Challenge pits selected players in a timed obstacle course of dribbling, shooting and passing. Agility, quickness and accuracy all come into play.
Africa on the rise:
In addition to all these activities comes the annual “NBA Africa All-Star Luncheon”. My favorite of all! This is where Will M’Biakop and Amadou Fall Gallo NBA “Africa vice president and managing director of African Office” talk about growing basketball in the continent.
As you may have noticed at least 14 players out of 114 international players are from Africa. Amadou Gallo Fall is confident that the rise in popularity and participation of basketball in Africa will not only increase the number of players in the league but also the involvement in the game on all levels.
NBA Africa Office is based in Johannesburg. Created in May 2010. Before then, the former University of District of Columbia center spent 12 years with the Dallas Mavericks as director of player personnel and vice president of international affairs. In 1998, he also founded the Sports for Education and Economic Development (SEED) to use education and basketball with boys and girls to grow the next generation of African leaders. As you can see Amadou Fall is a busy man! He is ceasing the moment. His goal is to bring basketball awareness in the continent and Making it accessible to young people. Growing a fan base. And ultimately, growing the business of the NBA.
You may wonder how?
Well NBA Africa is organizing a game "team World vs team Africa". It started in 2015. It has been a tremendous success since. The (2015) game was not only broadcasted in Africa, but it was broadcasted on a global basis in over 215 countries. The (2017) game happened in South Africa. Last summer, Team Africa won, with players such as Bismack Biyombo, Emmanuel Mudiay, Serge Ibaka, Luol Deng, Thabo Sefolosha, Clint Capela, Gorgui Dieng, Dennis Schroder, Victor Olapido, Salah Mejri and Luc Mbah a Moute. What a great exposure for the continent.
However it is not only what Amadou Fall and his team are doing. They are also involved in the creation of an "NBA Academy Africa" part of the NBA’s global network of elite training centers. To shape and give the fundamentals to young scouted future NBA champions. There are three centers announced in China, one in India and one in Australia. The one in Africa will be based in Senegal.
Moreover, NBA AFrica Office is trying to establish an ecosystem, too. Because they surely know that not everyone will be on the NBA roster. It is working with local federations to build stronger local leagues where all the talent outside university and NBA. The players will have a choice to stay home and play in a highly stable and operated league in their own country.
I am sure, you can understand why it is such a pleasure for me to be part of this “NBA Africa Lunch” and listen to the guests on the discussion panel. I enjoy basketball but I prefer overall conversations about the development of the motherland and the empowerment of her youth.
“The All Star game”... The fun and excitement end on the best note.
Wish me good luck guys, hopefully I will be there to share lots of videos and pictures.
*check out in my previous post "ALL-STAR" NOLA 2017...
Black Panther movie will be out nationwide and the NBA week end will start on the "West Coast".
As you probably have seen my previous posts from last year, we were invited to New Orleans for the that same exact event. It was wonderful to be present. I invited my colleagues to join me, the team of "Afropolitain Magazine" for an unforgettable experience.
For the ones who don’t know what “The National Basketball Association All-Star Game” is, let me break it down for you. It is a basketball exhibition game hosted every February by the NBA. The aim is matching a mix of the league's star players from the Eastern Conference and the Western Conference. Each team consists of 12 players, making it 24 in total. It is a three-day event which goes from Friday to Sunday.
Little history fact: The first All-Star game happened at the Boston Garden on March 2, 1951.
Thanks to my childhood friend “Will M’Biakop” (FYI, we have known each other for over two decades, yes pretty long time! I cherish great minds and hearts) happens to be the NBA's director of the development of global marketing partnerships and corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives across Africa. Will has a special interest in how sports can positively impact communities through business, infrastructure, education and health, while empowering youth and generating revenues for corporations. He has developed creative marketing strategies and activation plans targeting both retail and corporate markets.
Will is such a smart, progressive and ambitious brother to me. I could not be more proud of his achievements.
In 2017, he made sure that we enjoyed this weekend festival by participating to a variety of events, exhibitions, and performances culminating in the NBA All-Star Game held on Sunday night. Most basketball stars were present. No regular season games are held during this period, which is also known as the All-Star break. So you can imagine the euphoria!
This year the same event is happening but this time in Los Angeles, California. Let me tell you this! In one year a lot have happened. I got married, moved to New York, changed my circle of friends and have started a new life.
I am not working anymore for Afropolitain magazine as "Beauty Editor". I am instead a freelance writer. That’s why since I am blogging so much, it would be such a pity to refuse the 2018 invitation.
As a matter of fact, it is worth going every year.
The “All Star” program consists in having everyday day activities to entertain the crowd.
NBA All-Star Celebrity Game: First held in 2003, the game features retired NBA players, WNBA players, actors, musicians, and athletes from sports other than basketball.
Rising Stars Challenge: From 1994 until 1999, the event was called the "Rookie Game," and composed entirely of first-year players. From 2000 through 2011, the game, renamed the "Rookie Challenge", featured a team of first-year players ('Rookies') against a team of second-year players ('Sophomores'). The 2012 game debuted a new name, the "Rising Stars Challenge", and a new format. While the game continued to feature first- and second-year players, the participants were assigned to teams in a "fantasy draft" by two honorary captains (Charles Barkley and Shaquille O'Neal in 2012 and 2013, Grant Hill and Chris Webber in 2014). In 2015, the Rising Stars Challenge format was switched again to a USA vs the World format, which is the current format in use.
G League Dream Factory Friday Night: First held in 2008, the events includes a slam dunk contest, a three-point shootout and a H-O-R-S-E competition. These events were modeled after the NBA All-Star Saturday Night events.
G League All-Star Game: First held in 2007, this game features the best players from the NBA G League. The First winner was the East by a score of 114–100. The G League All-Star game was not held in the same arena as all the other All-Star Saturday activities. Instead, it was held on NBA Jam Session's practice court.
Slam Dunk Contest: This competition showcases the creativity and athletic ability of some of the league's youngest best dunkers. The specific rules of the contest are decided each year, but the competition is always judged subjectively. After each dunk, or attempted dunk, competitors are awarded a mark out of 10 from five judges, giving a possible high score of 50. The usual rules of 'traveling' and double dribbling do not apply.
Three-Point Contest: The league's best three point shooters shoot five basketballs from five different spots around the three-point line. Each shot is worth one point except the last ball of each rack (informally called 'money balls'), which is worth two points. The highest score available in one round is 30 points. The shooters have one minute to shoot the basketballs.
Skills Challenge: Making its debut in 2003, the Skills Challenge pits selected players in a timed obstacle course of dribbling, shooting and passing. Agility, quickness and accuracy all come into play.
Africa on the rise:
In addition to all these activities comes the annual “NBA Africa All-Star Luncheon”. My favorite of all! This is where Will M’Biakop and Amadou Fall Gallo NBA “Africa vice president and managing director of African Office” talk about growing basketball in the continent.
As you may have noticed at least 14 players out of 114 international players are from Africa. Amadou Gallo Fall is confident that the rise in popularity and participation of basketball in Africa will not only increase the number of players in the league but also the involvement in the game on all levels.
NBA Africa Office is based in Johannesburg. Created in May 2010. Before then, the former University of District of Columbia center spent 12 years with the Dallas Mavericks as director of player personnel and vice president of international affairs. In 1998, he also founded the Sports for Education and Economic Development (SEED) to use education and basketball with boys and girls to grow the next generation of African leaders. As you can see Amadou Fall is a busy man! He is ceasing the moment. His goal is to bring basketball awareness in the continent and Making it accessible to young people. Growing a fan base. And ultimately, growing the business of the NBA.
You may wonder how?
Well NBA Africa is organizing a game "team World vs team Africa". It started in 2015. It has been a tremendous success since. The (2015) game was not only broadcasted in Africa, but it was broadcasted on a global basis in over 215 countries. The (2017) game happened in South Africa. Last summer, Team Africa won, with players such as Bismack Biyombo, Emmanuel Mudiay, Serge Ibaka, Luol Deng, Thabo Sefolosha, Clint Capela, Gorgui Dieng, Dennis Schroder, Victor Olapido, Salah Mejri and Luc Mbah a Moute. What a great exposure for the continent.
However it is not only what Amadou Fall and his team are doing. They are also involved in the creation of an "NBA Academy Africa" part of the NBA’s global network of elite training centers. To shape and give the fundamentals to young scouted future NBA champions. There are three centers announced in China, one in India and one in Australia. The one in Africa will be based in Senegal.
Moreover, NBA AFrica Office is trying to establish an ecosystem, too. Because they surely know that not everyone will be on the NBA roster. It is working with local federations to build stronger local leagues where all the talent outside university and NBA. The players will have a choice to stay home and play in a highly stable and operated league in their own country.
I am sure, you can understand why it is such a pleasure for me to be part of this “NBA Africa Lunch” and listen to the guests on the discussion panel. I enjoy basketball but I prefer overall conversations about the development of the motherland and the empowerment of her youth.
“The All Star game”... The fun and excitement end on the best note.
Wish me good luck guys, hopefully I will be there to share lots of videos and pictures.
*check out in my previous post "ALL-STAR" NOLA 2017...
Tuesday, January 9, 2018
Black Panther Movie
The Countdown has started.... It could not be at a better time. Black history month was perfect timing for their marketing strategy.
Superhero fanatics and Cinephiles are going to be delighted to watch for the first time this upcoming American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name Black Panther.
What I admire about the Black Panther movie is the symbol of Black Unity and strength it portrays. I find it very positive and powerful.
Especially at this moment where an Afrocentric pride is rising.
I hope it is the beginning of more black empowerment movies.
Here are the resume and trailer below.
Enjoy the teaser!
T'Challa, after the death of his father, the King of Wakanda, returns home to the isolated, technologically advanced African nation to succeed to the throne and take his rightful place as king.
but his sovereignty challenged by a long-time adversary in a conflict that has global consequences.
T’Challa must team up, as the Black Panther, with CIA agent Everett K. Ross and members of the Dora Milaje—Wakanda's special forces—to prevent a world war.
Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.
The cast is Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa / Black Panther alongside Michael B. Jordan, Lupita Nyong'o, Danai Gurira, Martin Freeman, Daniel Kaluuya, Letitia Wright, Winston Duke, Angela Bassett, Forest Whitaker, and Andy Serkis.
Let's meet on the 02/16/2018 at your favorite movie theater! Don't forget to put your favorite African outfit on! Show up and show out! It is a celebration! So participate to the fullest.
Superhero fanatics and Cinephiles are going to be delighted to watch for the first time this upcoming American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name Black Panther.
What I admire about the Black Panther movie is the symbol of Black Unity and strength it portrays. I find it very positive and powerful.
Especially at this moment where an Afrocentric pride is rising.
I hope it is the beginning of more black empowerment movies.
Here are the resume and trailer below.
Enjoy the teaser!
T'Challa, after the death of his father, the King of Wakanda, returns home to the isolated, technologically advanced African nation to succeed to the throne and take his rightful place as king.
but his sovereignty challenged by a long-time adversary in a conflict that has global consequences.
T’Challa must team up, as the Black Panther, with CIA agent Everett K. Ross and members of the Dora Milaje—Wakanda's special forces—to prevent a world war.
Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.
The cast is Chadwick Boseman as T'Challa / Black Panther alongside Michael B. Jordan, Lupita Nyong'o, Danai Gurira, Martin Freeman, Daniel Kaluuya, Letitia Wright, Winston Duke, Angela Bassett, Forest Whitaker, and Andy Serkis.
Wednesday, January 3, 2018
New Energy for 2018...Stronger than Ever
Before I start I want to wish you all, a Happy New Year!Winter season is here and we all know how much the cold weather and lack of light can be depressing. That’s why we need to keep our spirits high. Let’s look at the magic of the holiday season and its new start. Because after all, aren’t we blessed? Another year has gone! Between you and I, I am happy to be loved and alive.My 2018 resolution is to be more present, in the moment, and boost my energy level mentally and physically. I am putting my health first. It is definitely a new journey. I am becoming more conscious in everything I do. Starting with food! I have been a pescetarian for over a year…no more red meat and poultry. A healthy and balanced diet provides essential nutrients for my cells that need to be fueled and help overall well-being. However, we all know how following a balanced diet can be challenging.Hopefully one day I will be a Vegan! That is my goal! Gosh, I am dreaming while awake! But hey! like a famous rapper said long ago “you can do it, if you put your mind into it”.Thank you #IceCube for the constant reminder that our thoughts manifest our reality.Yes! Brothers and sisters, thoughts change our brains, cells and genes. Every thought we have is energy in motion able to shape and transform our brains. Isn’t that powerful? can you imagine how important it is to train our brains to release neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin? Just for educational purposes, i feel the need to explain that for instance, when people consciously stay thankful and learn servicing others, they get a flow of comforting, rewarding neurotransmitters and experience an alert and joyful mind.There are many different ways to classify neurotransmitters also called chemical messengers.However to keep it simple for the non-scientists like me, the major ones are amino acids, peptides, and monoamines.
- Amino acids: glutamate, aspartate, D-serine, γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glycine
- Gasotransmitters: nitric oxide (NO), carbon monoxide (CO), hydrogen sulfide (H2S)
- Monoamines: dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (noradrenaline; NE, NA), epinephrine (adrenaline), histamine, serotonin (SER, 5-HT)
- Trace amines: phenethylamine, N-methylphenethylamine, tyramine, 3-iodothyronamine, octopamine, tryptamine, etc.
- Peptides: somatostatin, substance P, cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript, opioid peptides
- Purines: adenosine triphosphate(ATP), adenosine
- Others: acetylcholine (ACh), anandamide, etc.
They play an important role in our body and mind functions.Every cell in our bodies is replaced every few months. So, it is never too late to reprogram negative cells to be more positive by adopting positive thinking practices for the rest of your life. "New Year, New Way” keeping an attitude of gratitude at all time. A healthy brain promotes a strong body all the way to the cellular and genetic level.Now that I have educated myself about these great practices and chemical messengers. You can understand that for the year 2018, I am emphasizing developing good habits and urge you to do the same.Last week I decided to speak to a friend of mine, who is an expert in fitness and nutrition. After a long conversation he advised me to try a new line of supplement named Y-Power. He claims it the best on the market by far. I can’t lie he got me curious! So today i have ordered online 10 bottles to start this journey that will share with you. You may wonder why 10 already? well I started reading about the product and I got so excited! It seems to be Amazingly Electric! like Alkaline food! it is supposed to re-ignite the energy of youth. It is made by a company called "Galixy Health"
I hope I will not be disappointed! Here is what Galixy Health promises:
The “Y” in Y-Power™ stands for “Youth.” Y-Power™ promotes the flow of electrons through the metabolism, resulting in a profound increase in vitality and energy. The high-energy formula works with the body’s metabolism to promote abundant metabolic energy. Y-Power™ employs science to create a balanced effect on the body’s entire energy system, including but not limited to: cellular respiration, adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production, mitochondrial function, and power capacity. Y-Power™ will help you regain your youthfulness and the vitality from your younger days.
I will stay in touch and write the effect of Y-power on myself throughout this process. So bear with me!
The Best Hair Salons in NYC
Have you always seen your favorite celebs with amazing hairstyles and wondered how you could have the same? Well don't look any further.
In this article I have selected my top 20 best salons located in my city! New York! The city that never sleeps! Where fashion, Makeup and having your hair done, at any moment, are a must!
Sisters if you are looking for a fab stylist to beautify your afrolicious hair from a simple wash and go, curly styling, blowouts, deep conditioning treatment, install your perfect wig, weave, fusion extensions or just color and cut.
I've got you covered! If you are dealing with growth issues, thinning hair, Afro, locs, twists, braids, or transitioning styles, these stylists are the best in New York when it comes to your favorite treatment and style. Beware if you step into these havens for women. You may be addicted.
My top 20 salons are:
For the ones with unlimited budget, only sky is the limit then go for "The most exclusive and pricey"
Lavar Hair Design
celebrities such as Beyonce, Naomi Campbell, Zendaya and Whitney Houston have been seen in LaVar chairs. 134 W 72nd St between Columbus and Amsterdam Aves (212-724-4492, lavarhairdesigns.com)
Shasha Lee Exclusive
You can get the same treatment as celebrity clients like Janet Jackson and Nicole Richie. You will be welcomed with drinks and food if needed. You will swap your clothes for a cozy cashmere kimono and some nice pink fluffy sleepers! Time to relax! if you choose the most popular service, the steamer (from $35), technicians will create a special scalp-and-hair-cocktail tailored to your needs.
Truly a five stars treatment.
636 Broadway between Bleecker and W Houston Sts (877-647-7533, shashalee.com)
Wellington Hair Spa
Founder and owner Patrick Wellington. His clients rave about his professionalism,knowledge and true understanding of natural Kinky hair, and he has been recognized in Essence. 119 W 23rd St between Sixth and Seventh Ave (212-206-7962, http://wellingtonhairspa.com/ )
Ebony styles salon
Jamaica-born owner Mena McNeil has been in business for more than 15 years. If you are having a bad day and want to enjoy a friendly atmosphere, you are right where you should be at. Clients are addicted and want more, coming back, in addition to McNeil’s hair skills, mostly for the amicable staff and service. 707 Lexington Ave between 57th and 58th Sts (212-317-8488, ebonystylesbeautysalon.com)
khamit Kinks
This Brooklyn salon is the place for any type of twists, weaves, locs or braids. They have mastered the art of Casamas Braids, Senegalese Twists, Trini Braids and more. Celebrity clients such as Stevie Wonder, Oprah Winfrey and Queen Latifah can't get enough of this place! Brooklyn all the way! 327 Gold St between Flatbush Ave Ext and Johnson St, Downtown Brooklyn (718-422-2600, khamitkinks.com)
For the sisters on a budget no worries, I have investigated a little more and found great substitutes for the ones above.
.Locks N' chop
.True Indian hair
.Caramel city salon
.Crown worthy
.Sabine's hallway natural
.Bohemian Soul
.Nyc weave studio
.Honey salon inc
.Natural sisters hair salon
.Mane advocates
.Elite conceptions hair lounge
.Hair Fashion East
.Harlem natural hair salon
.Sew Brooklyn Hair extension lounge
In this article I have selected my top 20 best salons located in my city! New York! The city that never sleeps! Where fashion, Makeup and having your hair done, at any moment, are a must!
Sisters if you are looking for a fab stylist to beautify your afrolicious hair from a simple wash and go, curly styling, blowouts, deep conditioning treatment, install your perfect wig, weave, fusion extensions or just color and cut.
I've got you covered! If you are dealing with growth issues, thinning hair, Afro, locs, twists, braids, or transitioning styles, these stylists are the best in New York when it comes to your favorite treatment and style. Beware if you step into these havens for women. You may be addicted.
My top 20 salons are:
For the ones with unlimited budget, only sky is the limit then go for "The most exclusive and pricey"
Lavar Hair Design
celebrities such as Beyonce, Naomi Campbell, Zendaya and Whitney Houston have been seen in LaVar chairs. 134 W 72nd St between Columbus and Amsterdam Aves (212-724-4492, lavarhairdesigns.com)
Shasha Lee Exclusive
You can get the same treatment as celebrity clients like Janet Jackson and Nicole Richie. You will be welcomed with drinks and food if needed. You will swap your clothes for a cozy cashmere kimono and some nice pink fluffy sleepers! Time to relax! if you choose the most popular service, the steamer (from $35), technicians will create a special scalp-and-hair-cocktail tailored to your needs.
Truly a five stars treatment.
636 Broadway between Bleecker and W Houston Sts (877-647-7533, shashalee.com)
Wellington Hair Spa
Founder and owner Patrick Wellington. His clients rave about his professionalism,knowledge and true understanding of natural Kinky hair, and he has been recognized in Essence. 119 W 23rd St between Sixth and Seventh Ave (212-206-7962, http://wellingtonhairspa.com/ )
Ebony styles salon
Jamaica-born owner Mena McNeil has been in business for more than 15 years. If you are having a bad day and want to enjoy a friendly atmosphere, you are right where you should be at. Clients are addicted and want more, coming back, in addition to McNeil’s hair skills, mostly for the amicable staff and service. 707 Lexington Ave between 57th and 58th Sts (212-317-8488, ebonystylesbeautysalon.com)
khamit Kinks
This Brooklyn salon is the place for any type of twists, weaves, locs or braids. They have mastered the art of Casamas Braids, Senegalese Twists, Trini Braids and more. Celebrity clients such as Stevie Wonder, Oprah Winfrey and Queen Latifah can't get enough of this place! Brooklyn all the way! 327 Gold St between Flatbush Ave Ext and Johnson St, Downtown Brooklyn (718-422-2600, khamitkinks.com)
For the sisters on a budget no worries, I have investigated a little more and found great substitutes for the ones above.
.Locks N' chop
.True Indian hair
.Caramel city salon
.Crown worthy
.Sabine's hallway natural
.Bohemian Soul
.Nyc weave studio
.Honey salon inc
.Natural sisters hair salon
.Mane advocates
.Elite conceptions hair lounge
.Hair Fashion East
.Harlem natural hair salon
.Sew Brooklyn Hair extension lounge
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